As the name suggests, CYESS is a Collective of organizations and people working in the afterschool and broader out-of-school-time space to support more young people get the skills and experience they need to address issues they care about, often using STEM.
We have a vibrant community of expert practitioners that gets together regularly to understand and share promising practices, opportunities, and challenges in this work. Our goal is to support each other in our individual efforts and share our resources and expertise with the broader afterschool community. All of us care deeply about empowering young people to gain and use their STEM knowledge to be prepared for the workforce and to also use their voice to bring about positive change in their communities.
Our rapidly growing Community of Practice includes committed professionals from a diverse group of organizations that include community-based organizations, research organizations, science centers, universities, and youth development organizations. The common thread among us is that we are all working at the intersection teen leadership and civic engagement and see the importance of STEM for this work.
We engage with our peers to build community, workshop challenges members are grappling with, share expertise and resources, and identify projects we can work on together.
Members of our Community of Practice