
Resource Database

Explore our extensive resource database, featuring curriculum, professional development, and research at the intersection of STEM, Civic Engagement, and youth empowerment. Educators can discover effective strategies for engaging young people through STEM to foster community-driven change. Resources in this repository can be sorted based on subject matter, keywords, or alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For submissions or inquiries, please contact us.

UN Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected global objectives established in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals aim to address a wide range of global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. This database has taken resources from external organizations and cross-listed them with the UN SDGs as a sortable field.

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Caring for Our Watersheds Challenge

Caring for Our Watersheds" is the longest-running environmental action challenge in the Chesapeake Bay region. It offers students a unique opportunity to enhance their STEM knowledge, environmental and climate literacy, and civic action skills through the creation of solution-oriented projects aimed at watershed improvement.

Author(s): Earth Force
Primary Audience: Both
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Community Inventory List

Use this resource to help students understand community concerns. An inventory is inquiry driven, collects some kind of data, and leads to a list of strengths and concerns of the defined community.

Facilitators: This is a great activity to help educators think through ways to begin the Environmental Action Civics process.

Author(s): Earth Force
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown
Creating Changemaking Projects: Changemaker Manual

Peace First’s Changemaking Manual is a five-phase guide designed to help you create a changemaking project in your community. The guide leads young people through five phases: choosing an issue or problem in your community, understanding the chosen issue, creating a plan to turn your insights into action, tools for implementation, and reflection.

Author(s): Peace First
Primary Audience: YoungPeople
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown
Dialogue & Deliberation Toolkit

This toolkit can serve as a roadmap to navigate the numerous dialogue and deliberation resources and tools that have been produced by civic engagement and science-engagement organizations. These resources can provide a helpful foundation in the development of science and technology-related dialogues, as well as program models to build on, and facilitation and implementation resources.

Author(s): Association of Science and Technology Centers Community Science Initiative
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Elevating the Voices of Youth for Advocacy and Change

Across non-profit, advocacy, and youth-serving organizations, “youth voice” has become an increasingly popular topic. But what does this work look like and how do organizations interested in incorporating youth voice into their mission and scope of work do so in meaningful ways? This resource has been designed to be a collection of currently existing resources, spotlights of partners in the education and youth advocacy space, and useful definitions and terminology for this work.

Author(s): Afterschool Alliance
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Free