Explore our extensive resource database, featuring curriculum, professional development, and research at the intersection of STEM, Civic Engagement, and youth empowerment. Educators can discover effective strategies for engaging young people through STEM to foster community-driven change. Resources in this repository can be sorted based on subject matter, keywords, or alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For submissions or inquiries, please contact us.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected global objectives established in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals aim to address a wide range of global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. This database has taken resources from external organizations and cross-listed them with the UN SDGs as a sortable field.
Learn moreEnvironment Citizen Activity
This activity solidifies what it means to be an Environmental Citizen. Try this activity as an entire class, led by you or a student leader, instead of breaking up into smaller groups.
Facilitators: This is an excellent way to kick off a training!
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: None
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown
Fostering Environmental Science Agency
This report explores how educators and researchers can empower young people to engage in both learning science and making real-world impacts. It emphasizes the concept of Environmental Science Agency (ESA) to strengthen the connection between education and community leadership in environmental stewardship. Highlights include practical strategies and case studies illustrating successful youth-driven initiatives for a sustainable future.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: Research
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Generation Citizen: Resources and Toolkits
Explore The Generation Citizen library of reports and toolkits, developed to support the needs of educators, policymakers and community leaders.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: Research
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Increasing Equity in STEM
This guide from the Digital Harbor Foundation provides an overview of what STEM Equity Pedagogy is and some best practices that can be used in the classroom and beyond.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Smithsonian Science for Global Goals
The Smithsonian Science for Global Goals Project provides youth around the world, ages 11-18, with the knowledge and skills to understand the world’s most pressing issues and to become agents for change in their own communities. Through a series of freely available community research guides, young people use their communities as their laboratory to investigate the science that underlies the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Developed by the Smithsonian Science Education Center in collaboration with the InterAcademy Partnership, Young people define and implement their own sustainable actions to help solve the greatest challenges of our time.
Primary Audience: Both
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Free