Explore our extensive resource database, featuring curriculum, professional development, and research at the intersection of STEM, Civic Engagement, and youth empowerment. Educators can discover effective strategies for engaging young people through STEM to foster community-driven change. Resources in this repository can be sorted based on subject matter, keywords, or alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For submissions or inquiries, please contact us.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected global objectives established in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals aim to address a wide range of global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace, and justice. This database has taken resources from external organizations and cross-listed them with the UN SDGs as a sortable field.
Learn moreThe OurEcho Challenge
The OurEcho Challenge is a STEM competition that empowers young changemakers to take a closer look at biodiversity in their communities. Young leaders will first identify threats to local ecosystems and then propose solutions to help preserve, protect, or repair those natural resources.
During the 2023-24 school term, the OurEcho Challenge is open to youth in the US and the UK, ages 13-16.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Tools to Implement Environmental Action Civics
Environmental Action Civics is an educational approach where youth work in partnership with adults to identify a local environmental issue and engage with community members to take action by advocating for systemic changes to policies or practices. Explore Earth Force's resources for environmental action civics along with their webinars and professional development opportunities.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown
Turn it around!
TURN IT AROUND! FLASHCARDS are a toolkit to help us radically reimagine education in response to the climate and ecological emergency. There is no one right way to use them, but here are some ideas that may get you started in turning this emergency around. The cards are divided amongst 7 different prompts regarding the way we think about education and our relationship to nature and our natural surroundings.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: Curriculum
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown
Understanding and Supporting Student-Led Activism
This online course is designed to promote and discuss student-led voice in civic engagement. The course provides educators with a historical lens, along with tools and frameworks to support adults as allies in the development of youth voice and activism. Dialogue around activism is encouraged, and educators are equipped with actionable resources applicable to their current contexts. Throughout the course, participants explore various youth activists, educators, and schools to navigate and learn from the complexities of promoting youth voice and activism.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Free
Values for Co-Production between Young People and Organisations
The Involving Young People Collective has spent the past 18 months working alongside Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to co-create a set of values that can serve as an indication of best practice for involving young people. This presentation walks through these values to help organisations learn from others that have been previously successful in this work.
Primary Audience: Adults
Resource Type: ProfessionalDevelopment
Free/Paid Resource: Unknown